Author Topic: 35+ Command Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts  (Read 52 times)

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35+ Command Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts
« on: June 20, 2020, 02:50:43 PM »
Command Prompt is an excellent tool to play with the Windows settings and perform many other tasks like advanced administrative functions and Windows troubleshooting using the run commands.

Though you might be using it regularly for various purposes, you would be unaware of the surprising number of the keyboard shortcuts it supports.

Since Command Prompt is mostly keyboard-oriented, it would be more productive for you to get used to the keyboard shortcuts and minimize the mouse usage.

Let us list out the most useful Command Prompt keyboard shortcuts that would reduce your stress of using mouse repeatedly.

Shortcuts For launching and Closing Command Prompt

Windows 10 provides a number of ways to open the Command Prompt. Here are some of the ways to quickly launch it just using the keyboard.

It is always recommended to launch Command Prompt with Administrative rights as most of the advanced options require that.

Shortcuts for Selecting Text

Command Prompt supports many keyboard options that would allow you to select a text, a word, a line, or a full screen at a time.

Shortcuts to Text Action

In the previous section, you got to know how to select the text. In this section, you would learn how to perform manipulative action on the selected text.

Movement Shortcuts

Command History Shortcuts

You might be not aware of the fact that the Command Prompt keeps the history of all the commands you have typed during the current session. Following commands can be used to access those.

Final Words

So these are the top command prompt keyboard shortcuts. Seeing them together, it may seem like a massive task to remember them all. Do not worry. If you are a regular Command Prompt user, you will get used to these commands if you frequently apply them. If you are not a regular user, then also learning some commands can fasten your work.

Command Prompt Keyboard Shortcuts FAQs

1. What are Ctrl Shortcuts?

The shortcuts that are performed using the combination of Ctrl key plus the other keys are known as Ctrl Shortcuts. Like Ctrl+C for copy, Ctrl+V for paste, Ctrl+Z for undo, etc.

2. How to open Command Prompt with keyboard only?

To launch Command Prompt using the keyboard, press Windows key + X, and press C if you want to open the Command Prompt normally or press A if you’re going to open Command Prompt with admin rights.
