Author Topic: Android 15 might add a built-in feature to freeze apps you rarely use  (Read 49 times)

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If you're running low on phone storage space, a quick fix is to delete apps you rarely use. But that's a hassle, especially when deciding which ones to ditch. In 2022, Google introduced a Play Store feature for auto-archiving unused apps when storage is low. But there's a catch: It only works for Play Store apps, so you can't freeze those that were downloaded from external sources or even manually archive apps of your choosing. There's hope that Google might integrate this directly into Android, expanding the archiving reach beyond just Play Store apps.

According to Android sleuth Mishaal Rahman, writing for Android Authority, Google may have a plan to blend the app archiving feature into Android 15. In a beta update for Android 14 QPR2, Rahman discovered new testing commands that allow developers to archive or restore their apps.

When you archive an app on Android, it does some spring cleaning. The heavy stuff gets tossed out, leaving behind a slimmed-down version on your device. Archived apps are also easy to spot—just look for a cloud icon hanging out on the app icon. If you ever feel the need to resurrect an archived app, just give it a tap. It'll zip back to life, fully restored, as long as the app is still available.

This feature is a lifesaver for users on Android devices without expandable storage or those hesitant to go on an app-deleting spree for some extra room. We've all got that one app, maybe for a single-use coupon or a game with an ad obsession, hogging space until the dreaded delete day arrives. And with phones today taking on a variety of roles—camera, music player, library, and file manager—storage space has become a hot commodity, pushing us to part ways with apps we thought we couldn't live without.

The app archiving feature isn't available yet, but the hints are there, suggesting that you may freeze and bring back apps right from the app info page in your settings in the next version of Android. If Google makes it a standard Android capability, it'll be easier for everyone, no matter where they get their apps. Plus, users will get the power to handpick which apps deserve a spot in the archives.

Since we're not getting any official Android 15 gossip anytime soon, it's unclear whether this feature will make it to a public release. Google might throw some curveballs and shake up whatever is brewing, so keep those expectations in check.
