At the Computex event in Taipei and in a related blog post, we were teased with hints of what Microsoft envisions in a modern operating system.
With constant references to a "modern OS" that consists of seamless updates, being always connected, and multi-sense, Microsoft is aiming to launch Windows into the next generation.
Below we have highlighted the features of Microsoft's future "modern" operating system as outlined in a blog post by Nick Parker, Vice President of Consumer and Device Sales.
Seamless updatesMicrosoft's modern OS aims to address the Windows Update quality problems that users have been seeing lately. This is done by offering seamless updates. which a Modern OS would automatically download and install in the background.
Microsoft terms update experience in modern OS as 'invisible' as it is done in the background and wouldn't require any interruption to users, unlike Windows 10 updates which have caused critical problems, required multiple systems reboots a lengthy installation process and even loss of data and work.
"Enablers include seamless updates – with modern OS updates are invisibly done in the background; the update experience is deterministic, reliable, and instant with no interruptions," Parker explains in a blog post.
"Enablers include seamless updates – with modern OS updates are invisibly done in the background; the update experience is deterministic, reliable, and instant with no interruptions," Parker explains in
a blog post.
Secure by defaultMicrosoft hopes to better secure a "modern OS" by walling off different components of the operating system from each other in order to better protect users.
"A modern OS is also secure by default, the state is separated from the operating system; the computer is separated from applications; this protects the user from malicious attacks throughout the device lifecycle.
Always connectedJust like the Always-Connected Windows 10 PCs, devices running the modern OS will be always connected, whether through Wi-Fi or a cellular connection.
"Always connected - with a modern OS Wifi, LTE 5G will just work – and users never have to worry about a dead spot. All of a user's devices are aware and connected to each other."
Multi-senseMicrosoft does not want the modern OS to be constrained by only a mouse and keyboard as inputs. Instead, the OS should be able to use touch, voice, gaze, pen, keyboard, mouse, and more.
"A modern OS is also multi-sense. People can use pen, voice, touch, even gaze – whatever input method a user wants to use works just as well as the keyboard and mouse."
Cloud-connectedMicrosoft envisions a modern OS to always be connected to the cloud where it can take advantage of AI services such as Cortana.
"A modern OS does this by enabling cloud-connected experiences that use the computing power of the cloud to enhance users experiences on their devices. These experiences are powered by AI, so a modern OS is aware of what a user is doing tomorrow and helps them get it done, and it enhances applications making them more intelligent."
Sustained performanceA modern OS should just work with the same performance it had when it was first purchased. The operating system should be ready to go, without having to wait for charging, boot-ups, or tasks to complete.
"A modern OS provides
sustained performance, from the moment a user picks up their device – everything is ready to go – without having to worry about the next time the PC needs to be charged. These enablers will satisfy customer’s basic needs, but to truly differentiate we must also delight them."
Form factor agilityA modern OS will support numerous form factors that hardware partners deliver ranging from handheld devices to laptops, to desktops.
"Finally, a modern OS provides the ultimate in form factor agility. A modern OS has the right sensor support and posture awareness to enable the breadth of innovative form factors and applications that our partner ecosystem will deliver."
While all of these features that Microsoft envisions in a modern operating system look terrific, we will just have to wait to see if this is just marketing or something being actively developed.
Only time will tell!