Author Topic: New version of Tiny11 Builder lets you debloat any Windows 11 build or version  (Read 40 times)

Offline javajolt

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The maker of Tiny11, a third-party project that aims to make Windows 11 less bloated with unnecessary parts, released a new version of Tiny11 Builder, a special tool that lets you create a custom Windows 11 image tailored to your needs and preferences. The latest release makes it much easier to create a lightweight Windows 11 ISO without worrying about installing a system modified by unknown third parties.

Tiny11 Builder is no longer tied to a specific Windows 11 build. You can use it with any version, language, and architecture. According to the developer, who goes by the @NTDEV_ handle on X, the improvements in Tiny11 Builder were made possible thanks to the better scripting capabilities of PowerShell.

Tiny11 Builder is open-source, which allows everyone to peek under the hood to understand better how the thing works. It uses only Microsoft-made utilities, such as DISM or oscdimg.exe, which is a part of the Windows ADK:

My main goal is to use only Microsoft utilities like DISM, and no utilities from external sources. The only executable included is oscdimg.exe, which is provided in the Windows ADK and it is used to create bootable ISO images. Also included is an unattended answer file, which is used to bypass the Microsoft Account on OOBE and to deploy the image with the /compact flag. It's open-source, so feel free to add or remove anything you want! Feedback is also much appreciated.

Since the updated Tiny11 Builder uses PowerShell, you should set the execution policy to unrestricted before using the project. To do so, run PowerShell as Administrator and execute the Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted command.

You can download Tiny11 Builder from its GitHub repository. Before you proceed, remember that only the official Windows images from Microsoft are 100% safe. If you want to tinker with the OS beyond what Microsoft allows, you should accept potential risks and complications and keep in mind that only you are the one responsible for your system.
