Author Topic: Microsoft release new Edge Dev Build for Windows and Mac with UI fixes and more  (Read 285 times)

Online javajolt

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Today Microsoft released a new weekly Dev build to the Microsoft Edge Dev Channel.  Some of the fixes and improvements include:

Changes in feature behavior or appearance:

■ Added the number of additional tabs present in the window title.

■ Fixed an issue where the + button to open new tabs is invisible.

■ Fixed an issue where corrupted characters appeared in certain parts of the UI like the address bar dropdown or the … menu.

■ Fixed an issue where clicking quickly on the X on entries on the history page would open them instead of deleting them.

■ Fixed an issue where clicking the “Remove All” button to remove all cookies doesn’t do anything.
Fixed an issue where the order of user profiles differed between the user flyout and the list in Settings.

■ Fixed an issue where signing out of user profiles didn’t work.

■ Fixed an issue where favorites sometimes don’t sync to other machines.

■ Fixed an issue where the Read Aloud bar sometimes takes a long time to appear.

■ Fixed an issue where entries on the history or download pages overlap at narrow window widths.

Fixes for better reliability and security:

■ Fixed an issue where switching between user profiles sometimes crashes the browser.

■ Fixed an issue where sending feedback from a webpage that had crashed sometimes crashes the whole browser.

■ Fixed an issue where the browser sometimes hangs when it’s closed.

■ Updated to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player (

This is also the very first update for the Mac Dev Channel, with its own changelog below.

Mac-specific changes:

■ Fixed an issue where the browser sometimes doesn’t launch.

■ Fixed an issue where video controls remained on the Touch Bar after leaving the page with the video.

■ Fixed an issue where refreshing the settings page caused certain UI buttons to appear to be disabled.

■ Fixed an issue where menu text can appear white on white in certain situations.

Users in the weekly Dev channel can update their browser by visiting the About Edge page in the Browser Settings.
